Keynote 1 – Dominika Manglus and Katharina Martin

Topic: (All too) bad surprises are avoidable!

How globally active companies should prepare for a data breach in order to be able to act quickly in the event of an emergency, and what imponderables must nevertheless be expected.

Dominika Manglus

DOMINIKA MANGLUS - Speaker 1 - Porträtbild
Dominika Manglus

Dominika Manglus has been Credit Suisse’s Data Protection Officer (DPO) for the Switzerland region since 2018 and Global Data Privacy Head of the Group since January 2023. She is a lawyer (PL “radca prawny”), LLM (LMU Munich) and data protection specialist (CIPP/E) who has been with Credit Suisse since 2012 in various roles in Legal & Compliance. Previously, she worked for various international law firms in Poland as well as in Germany, where she advised clients in the areas of corporate, employment and insolvency law.

Katharina Martin

KATHARINA MARTIN - Speaker 1 - Porträtbild
Katharina Martin

Katharina Martin is responsible for the Swiss Legal Tech & Data Protection Team at Credit Suisse. She is a lawyer and data protection expert (CIPP/E and CIPM) and has been working as in-house counsel in Swiss banks for 15 years. In addition to her current specialization in bank client confidentiality and data protection, she has extensive experience in IT sourcing, outsourcing, investment funds, custodian and back office. As co-author of the Swiss Bankers Association’s Cloud Guide, she also lectures on cloud banking as part of the CAS Digital Finance Law at the University of Geneva.

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